Thursday, June 7, 2012


Last entry I asked if you were desperate enough for an encounter with God that you would get out of the boat; “Are you brave enough to get out of the Boat; step out of the cloud of emotion or circumstances that surrounds that issue and trust that He will catch you? Who knows, you may find yourself walking on water!Here is my second thought;
In Acts 16:20-29 we see Paul and Silas accused of public disturbance, stripped, beaten and finally thrown into prison. They were placed in an “inner cell”, worse than the others, chained and guarded closely. What a horrible situation to be in, and for what crime? They were sharing the Gospel! Now that is enough to discourage anyone. I mean, we all know that we should be ready to pay the price but are we ever really prepared to do so? So what did Paul and Silas do in response? 25About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. What? They were certainly better men than me. Truthfully, I would probably be pouting and complaining. I love the part that says, “and the other prisoners were listening.” I have no doubt that the others were likely thinking “These guys are weird! And they sing bad too!” But when those doors swung open THEIR lives were forever changed along with Paul and Silas.
When we are desperate enough for an encounter with God that we are willing to sing instead cry, curse and complain, more than our lives are changed; family, friends, associates and whoever is close enough to see will be impacted forever.
If you want to truly enjoy your life, you must be at peace with the life you have. But that doesn’t mean to just accept whatever comes your way in life. You were born to win; you were born for greatness; you were created to be a victor not a victim in life. So accept where you are, believe God for MORE and take action! Never forget that the “Natural precedes the Supernatural!” Take a step toward or for God and see what He does.
Do you need prison doors to swing open in your life? Start singing to God and don’t worry about what the “others” are thinking are saying. They will be changed as well if you are willing to actively trust God. Our enemies may love when we get knocked down but our heavenly Father loves every time we get up!